Kyle Fraser (2003) "Seriality and Demonstration in Aristotle's Ontology" Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 25, 131-158. 1. Introduction 2. Focality and seriality 3. The serial structure of the Categories 4. Apodeixis and ontology Append…
Amos Bertolacci (1998) "Albert the Great, Metaphysica IV, 1, 5: From the refutatio to the excusatio of Avicenna’s Theory of Unity" in Jan A. Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.) Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au…
Sylvain Delcomminette (2018) Aristote et la nécessité, Vrin. 4ème partie. Fondation métaphysique de la nécessité. (introduction.) 323-326. Chapitre XI. Nature et objet de la métaphysique. 327-360.
Alex. In Met. 239.4-240.30 (Γ1).
Ian C. McCready-Flora (2015) "Protagoras and Plato in Aristotle: Rereading the Measure Doctrine" Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 49, 71-127. アリストテレスが論じるプロタゴラスの尺度説には virulent なもの (Met. Γ, Θ, K) と benign なも…
Ugo Zilioli (2013) "Protagoras through Plato and Aristotle: A Case for the Philosophical Significance of Ancient Relativism" Johannes M. van Obhuijsen, Marlein van Raalte & Peter Stork (eds.) Protagoras of Abdera: The Man, His Measure, Bri…
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.8. Relativity and independence in Aristotle's On Ideas. 161-180.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.7. Relativity in Aristotle's Metaphysics 5.15. 140-160.
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Mi-Kyoung Lee (2005) Epistemology after Protagoras: Responses to Relativism in Plato, Aristotle, and Democritus Oxford University Press. Ch.7. Aristotle on Protagoras and early conceptions of thinking and perceiving. 133-180.
Mi-Kyoung Lee (2005) Epistemology after Protagoras: Responses to Relativism in Plato, Aristotle, and Democritus Oxford University Press. Chap.4. Self-Refutation and Contradiction. 46-76.
Christopher Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.2. The Promises and Problems of Homonymy. 43-74. 三年越しに再開.本章も常識的な話の整理.メモするうえで以下の…
Enrico Berti (1963/2012) "Dimostrazione e metafisica in Aristotele" in E. Berti (2012) Studi Aristotelici, Morcelliana, 51-56. 積んでいた論文集を少しずつ消化する.
Mi-Kyoung Lee (2005) Epistemology after Protagoras, Oxford University Press. Chap.6. Aristotle on Protagoras and the Theaetetus. 118-132. 非常に見通しの良い議論.
Dirk Baltzly (1999) "Aristotle and Platonic Dialectic in Metaphysics Γ4" Apeiron 3(2), 171-202. 1006a11-31 の論証をプラトンが各所で行う自己論駁論証だと論じる.自分はそもそも a11-31 が独立な論証だと思っていないので,理解に相当な懸隔がある.…
D. W. Hamlyn (1990) "Aristotle on Dialectic" Philosophy 65(254), 465-476. R. Crisp (1991) "Aristotle on Dialectic" 66(258), 522-524. Hamlyn 論文は Owen-Nussbaum-Irwin ラインの簡要なレヴュー.ただ Hamlyn 自身の立場はいまいちよく分からない.…
Marco Zingano (2008) "Sêmainein hen, sêmainein kath' henos et la preuve de 1006b28-34" in M. Hecquet-Devienne, A. Stevens (eds.) Aristote Métaphysique Gamma, Peeters, 403-422. I 節を見て自分の草稿と全く同じ結論かと思ったが全体を読むと必ず…
C. W. A. Whitaker (1996) Aristotle's De Interpretatione: Contradiction and Dialectic. Oxford University Press. Appendix I. The Principle of Contradiction in Metaphysics Γ. 183-203. これは De Int. 側からの Γ3-4 読解.Charles (2000) とは対照…
David Charles (2000) Arisotle on Meaning and Essence, Oxford University Press. Appendix 1. Aristotle on the Principle of Non-Contradiction. 373-378. これは必読だった.明らかに σημαίνειν 概念そのものが議論の肝なのだから,こうした前提と帰結…
Michael Wedin (2000) "Some Logical Problems in Metaphysics Gamma" Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 19:113-62. 他の論文と内容上の重複が明らかに多くてかなり不安になる.例えば Wedin (2004) の内容の大筋は既にここに出ているように見える.場…
Jonathan Lear (1980) Aristotle's Logical Theory. Cambridge University Press. Chap.6. Proof by refutation. 98-114. 明晰ですばらしい.
R. M. Dancy (1975) Sense and Contradiction: a Study in Aristotle, D. Reidel. Chapter VI. On Sense and Essence. 116-141. 終章.
Walter Cavini (2008) "Principia contradictionis. Sui principi aristotelici della contraddizione (§4)" Antiquorum Philosophia 2, 159-187. Cavini (2007) からの続きもので,そちらは読みさしにしている.主題が Γ に直接関わるのはこちらの方. 'ἀνυ…
T. H. Irwin (1988) Aristotle's First Principles, Oxford University Press. Chap.9. The Science of Being. 179-198. Γ の読解.
Paula Gottleb (2019) "Aristotle on Non-contradiction" The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Spring 2019 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.).
T. H. Irwin (1988) Aristotle's First Principles, Oxford University Press. Chap.8. The Universal Science. 153-178. A-Γ の検討.カント的な問題意識を B のアポリアイに読み込もうとしている.アナクロではという気もするが,うまく読めれば面白いと思…
Barbara Cassin (1989) "Parle, si tu es un homme" in B. Cassin, M. Narcy, La décision du sens, Vrin, 9-60 [here 25-40]. やはりもっともな部分とアクロバティックな部分が併存する.いずれにせよ重要な論点は外していない.特に Irwin 1982 批判は興味…
R. M. Dancy (1975) Sense and Contradiction: a Study in Aristotle, D. Reidel. Chapter V. The Second Refutation. 94-115. 例によっていくつか自分の誤読を発見した.
Michael Wedin (2004) "Aristotle on the Firmness of the Principle of Non-Contradiction" Phronesis 49(3), 225-265. Γ3 から Γ4 冒頭の論証構造を綿密に検討する論文.特に 6 節以降は provocative.
Michel Crubellier (2008) "La tactique argumentative de Métaphysique Gamma 3-6" in M. Hecquet-Devienne, A. Stevens (eds.) Aristote Métaphysique Gamma, Peeters, 379-402. Γ3-6 の (Burnyeat 的な意味での) mapping (380). Crubellier は MN につい…