
アリストテレスの諸カテゴリーの系列構造 Fraser (2003) "Seriality and Demonstration"

Kyle Fraser (2003) "Seriality and Demonstration in Aristotle's Ontology" Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 25, 131-158. 1. Introduction 2. Focality and seriality 3. The serial structure of the Categories 4. Apodeixis and ontology Append…

緩やかな多義性としての اشتراك Janos (2021) "Avicenna on Equivocity and Modulation" #2

Damien Janos (2021) "Avicenna on Equivocity and Modulation: A Reconsideration of the asmāʾ mushakkika (and tashkīk al-wujūd)" Oriens 49, 1-62. [here 22-62.]

アヴィセンナの اشتراك と تشكيك Janos (2021) "Avicenna on Equivocity and Modulation" #1

Damien Janos (2021) "Avicenna on Equivocity and Modulation: A Reconsideration of the asmāʾ mushakkika (and tashkīk al-wujūd)" Oriens 49, 1-62. [here 1-22.] アリストテレスの ὁμώνυμα と πρὸς ἓν λεγόμενα の関係如何に相当する問題がアヴィセンナ…

同名異義性の包括性とそのプラトン的背景 Ward (2008) Aristotle on Homonymy, Introduction and Ch.1

Julie K. Ward (2008) Aristotle on Homonymy: Dialectic and Science, Cambridge University Press. Introduction. 1-8. Chap.1. The theory of homonymy in Categories 1 and its precursors. 9-42. Shields (1999) に並ぶ近年のモノグラフ.

「ある」の一義性 Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity, Ch.9 #2

Christopher Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.9. The Homonymy of Being. 217-267. [here 240-267.]

「ある」の非一義性の疑わしさ Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity, Ch.9 #1

Christopher Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.9. The Homonymy of Being. 217-267. [here 217-240.] 長いので二分する.前半は「ある」の中核依存性と「ある限りの…

四原因論と ἀρχή 概念による中核依存性の明確化 Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity, Ch.4

Christopher Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.4. Core-Dependent Homonymy. 103-127.

意味表示 = 意味の二重性 Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity, Ch.3

Christopher Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.3. Homonymy and Signification. 75-102.

同名異義性の哲学的意義 Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity, Ch.2

Christopher Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.2. The Promises and Problems of Homonymy. 43-74. 三年越しに再開.本章も常識的な話の整理.メモするうえで以下の…

アリストテレスの同名異義性概念 Shields, Order in Multiplicity #1

Christopher Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 9-42. The Varieties of Homonymy. アリストテレスの同名異義性 (homonymy) 概念の研究書を第1章から読む。 本書全体は hom…

Focal meaning と一般形而上学の可能性 Owen, "Logic and Metaphysics in Some Earlier Works of Aristotle"

G. E. L. Owen (1960) "Logic and Metaphysics in Some Earlier Works of Aristotle," in I. During and G. E. L. Owen (eds.), Plato and Aristotle in the Mid-Fourth Century, Göteborg: Almquist and Wiksell, 163–190. 前半部は, focal meaning という…