『前書』の推論の図示の再構成 Netz (2023) "Aristotle's Three Logical Figures"
Reviel Netz (2023) "Aristotle's Three Logical Figures: A Proposed Reconstruction" Phronesis 68, 62-77.
続きを読むアリストテレスの諸カテゴリーの系列構造 Fraser (2003) "Seriality and Demonstration"
- Kyle Fraser (2003) "Seriality and Demonstration in Aristotle's Ontology" Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 25, 131-158.
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Focality and seriality
- 3. The serial structure of the Categories
- 4. Apodeixis and ontology
- Appendix: On the Neoplatonist 'Deduction' of the Categories
ヒッポリュトスによるシモン・マグスの諸資料の扱い Osborne (1987) Rethinking EGP, Ch.2
- Catherine Osborne (1987) Rethinking Early Greek Philosophy. Cornell University Press.
- Part One: The Test Cases.
- 2. Simon Magus. 68-84.
- Part One: The Test Cases.
ヒッポリュトスによるアリストテレス解釈の正確さと豊かさ Osborne (1987) Rethinking EGP, Ch.1.
- Catherine Osborne (1987) Rethinking Early Greek Philosophy. Cornell University Press.
- Part One: The Test Cases.
- Aristotle. 35-67.
- Part One: The Test Cases.
議論の moral は C. (ii) を参照.
続きを読む「断片」を引用元の文脈から切り離して扱うべきではない Osborne (1987) Rethinking EGP, Intro.
- Catherine Osborne (1987) Rethinking Early Greek Philosophy. Cornell University Press.
- Introduction. 1-35.
アルベルトゥスによるアヴィセンナとアヴェロエスの調停 Bertolacci (1998) "Albert the Great, Metaphysica IV, 1, 5"
- Amos Bertolacci (1998) "Albert the Great, Metaphysica IV, 1, 5: From the refutatio to the excusatio of Avicenna’s Theory of Unity" in Jan A. Aertsen & Andreas Speer (eds.) Was ist Philosophie im Mittelalter? Qu'est-ce que la philosophie au moyen âge? What is Philosophy in the Middle Ages?, De Gruyter, 881-887.