Jason Stanley and Timothy Williamson (2001) "Knowing How" The Journal of Philosophy 98 (8), 411-444. knowledge-how と knowledge-that の Ryle 的な区別の批判."x knows how to F" は言語学の標準的意味論で解釈すればふつうの knowledge-that の帰…
Mi-Kyoung Lee (2005) Epistemology after Protagoras: Responses to Relativism in Plato, Aristotle, and Democritus Oxford University Press. Chap.3. Protagoras and relativism. 30-45.
Timothy Williamson (2000) Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford University Press. Chap.1. A State of Mind. 21-48. [here 33-48.]
Timothy Williamson (2000) Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford University Press. Chap.1. A State of Mind. 21-48. [here 21-33.]
Timothy Williamson (2000) Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford University Press. Introduction. 1-20. [here 1-11.]
Timothy Williamson (2000) Knowledge and its Limits Oxford University Press. Chap.2. Broadness. 49-64. 1章では Williamson 自身の基本的な立場が粗描されたが,2章では内在主義的な議論への反論が詳細に行われる.