contemporary metaphysics
Tuomas E. Tahko (2009) "The Law of Non-Contradiction as a Metaphysical Principle" Australasian Journal of Logic 7, 32-47. 形而上学的 LNC の正しさを擁護している.同時に「LNC が形而上学的原理である」ことの擁護だとも結論に書いてあるが,どこで…
Gareth Evans (1978) "Can There be Vague Objects?" Analysis 38(4), 208. David Lewis (1988) "Vague Identity: Evans Misunderstood" Analysis 48(3), 128-130. Evans が簡潔に書きすぎて Lewis が注釈をしている.Lewis 論文の手つきはほぼ哲学史 (最後…
Theodore Sider (2011) Writing the Book of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.2. Primitivism. 9-20.
Theodore Sider (2011) Writing the Book of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.1. Structure. 1-8.
David Wiggins (2001) Sameness and Substance Renewed, Cambridge University Press. Chap.4. Individuative essentialism. §11-12 (pp.133-138).
David Wiggins (2001) Sameness and Substance Renewed, Cambridge University Press. Chap.4. Individuative essentialism. §4-8 (pp.118-127).
Linda Wetzel (2018) "Types and Tokens" The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.). お勉強.
W. V. O. Quine (1948) "On What There Is" The Review of Metaphysics 2(5), 21-38. 現代の古典をちゃんと読むシリーズ.Owen (1965) の背景をさぐる目論見もあり,実際読んで正解だった.なお単行本版との異同は確認していない.
David Wiggins (2001) Sameness and Substance Renewed, Cambridge University Press. "Preamble, chiefly concerned with matters methodological and terminological". 1-20 [うち 13-20 (§7-10)]. はてなブログが PHP Markdown Extra の脚注記法に対応し…
David Wiggins (2001) Sameness and Substance Renewed, Cambridge University Press. "Preamble, chiefly concerned with matters methodological and terminological". 1-20 [うち 8-12 (§4-6)].
David Wiggins (2019) Sameness and Substance Renewed, Oxford University Press. "Preamble, chiefly concerned with matters methodological and terminological". 1-20 [うち 1-7 (§1-3)]. 前書きの前半1/3.こんなに読み進まないとは思わなかった.難し…
Kit Fine (1982) "Acts, Events and Things" W. Leinfellner, E. Kraemer, and J. Schank (eds.), Sprache und Ontologie. Wien: Hoelder-Pichler-Tempsky. 「そもそも ᾗ/qua って何?」ということを考える手がかりになるかと思ったが,少なくともプラトンや…