Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.5. Relativity in Categories 7, Topics, and Sophistical Refutations. 90-117.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Ch.4. Relativity and partition in Republic. 71-89. 初出は Duncombe (2015) OSAP 48, 37-60.
Bernardi (2001) の注釈を見ながら読む.作田訳も参考にする.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Ch.3. Relativity and separation in the theory of Forms. 49-70. 元論文は Duncombe (2013) OSAP 45, 43-62.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Ch.2. Constitutive relativity in Plato. 23-48.
ロバート・ステッカー (2013)『分析美学入門』森功次訳,勁草書房. 第3-4章 (63-145頁). 原書は Robert Stecker (2010) Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: An Introduction, 2nd ed., Rowman & Littlefield. 思っていたよりずっと難しい.第1章は総説…
Marcel Detienne [1967] (2006) Les maîtres de vérité dans la Grèce archaïque. Librairie Générale Française. I. Vérité et société. 51-8.
Al P. Martinich (2016) "Authorization and Representation in Hobbes's Leviathan" in Al P. Martinich and Kinch Hoekstra (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Hobbes, Oxford University Press, 315-337.
Michael Wedin (1988) Mind and Imagination in Aristotle, Yale University Press. Chap.1. Aristotle on the science of the soul. 1-22. DA の魂概念の一般的な特徴づけ.おおむね Putnam-Nussbaum ラインの機能主義的解釈だが,留保も加えられている (§3…
Pierre Aubenque [1962] (2013) Le problème de l'être chez Aristote: Essai sur la problématique aristotélicienne. Presses Universitaires de France. Avant-Propos. 1-17. Uniterian か analytic かで言えば analytic だが発展史にも与しない,体系で…
W. キムリッカ (2005)『現代政治理論』千葉眞・岡崎晴輝ほか訳,日本経済評論社. 8-9章 (475-614頁).
Malcolm Schofield (1978) "Aristotle on the Imagination" in G.E.R. Lloyd and G.E.L. Owen (ed.) Aristotle on Mind and the Senses, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 99-129. [Reprinted in Jonathan Barnes, Malcolm Schofield, Richard Sorabj…
Victor Caston (1996) "Why Aristotle Needs Imagination" Phronesis 41(1), 20-55. ほぼ DA 3.3 の running commentary だが,要点は掲題の一点.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Introduction. 1-22.