Alex. In Met. 239.4-240.30 (Γ1).
Alex. In Met. 237.4-239.3 (Prooemium). テクストは CAG (Hayduck).また Madigan の英訳を随時参照する. 序文は ΑαΒ の振り返り + Γ巻の梗概.
Carl Hempel (1949) "The Logical Analysis of Psychology" in Herbert Feigl and Wilfrid Sellars (eds.) Readings in Philosophical Analysis, Appleton-Century-Crofts.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.12. Conclusion. 246-256.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.11. Relativity against dogmatism in Sextus Empiricus. 226-245.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.10. Relativity in Stoic physics, metaphysics, and ethics. 202-225. 土地勘がないのでやや理解に自信がない.
Ian C. McCready-Flora (2015) "Protagoras and Plato in Aristotle: Rereading the Measure Doctrine" Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 49, 71-127. アリストテレスが論じるプロタゴラスの尺度説には virulent なもの (Met. Γ, Θ, K) と benign なも…
Ugo Zilioli (2013) "Protagoras through Plato and Aristotle: A Case for the Philosophical Significance of Ancient Relativism" Johannes M. van Obhuijsen, Marlein van Raalte & Peter Stork (eds.) Protagoras of Abdera: The Man, His Measure, Bri…
Noburu Notomi (2013) "A Protagonist of the Sophistic Movement? Protagoras in Historiography" Johannes M. van Obhuijsen, Marlein van Raalte & Peter Stork (eds.) Protagoras of Abdera: The Man, His Measure, Brill, 11-36.
M. F. Burnyeat (1976) "Protagoras and Self-Refutation in Later Greek Philosophy" The Philosophical Review 85(1), 44-69.
Gail Fine (2003) Plato on Knowledge and Forms: Selected Essays. Oxford University Press. Ch.8. Plato's Refutation of Protagoras in the Theaetetus. 184-212. 初出 Apeiron 32 (1998) 201-234.
Enrico Berti, Nuovi studi aristotelici I-II の目次を記しておく.電子化する前に収録論文を把握しておくついでに,個人的経験として入手が難しいうえに詳細な収録内容もわからず困ったことがあるので,ウェブ上に残しておくと同様の人々に役立つかもしれ…
Du contrat social, I, II.
Herman Cappelen (2020) "Conceptual Engineering: The Master Argument" in A. Burgess, H. Cappelen and D. Plunkett (eds.) Conceptual Engineering and Conceptual Ethics, 132-151.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.9. Stoic relativity. 181-201.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.8. Relativity and independence in Aristotle's On Ideas. 161-180.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.7. Relativity in Aristotle's Metaphysics 5.15. 140-160.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Ch.6. Aristotle on the distinction between substances and relatives. 118-139. Duncombe (2015) Phronesis 60(4) に基づく.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Chap.5. Relativity in Categories 7, Topics, and Sophistical Refutations. 90-117.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Ch.4. Relativity and partition in Republic. 71-89. 初出は Duncombe (2015) OSAP 48, 37-60.
Bernardi (2001) の注釈を見ながら読む.作田訳も参考にする.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Ch.3. Relativity and separation in the theory of Forms. 49-70. 元論文は Duncombe (2013) OSAP 45, 43-62.
Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press. Ch.2. Constitutive relativity in Plato. 23-48.
ロバート・ステッカー (2013)『分析美学入門』森功次訳,勁草書房. 第3-4章 (63-145頁). 原書は Robert Stecker (2010) Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: An Introduction, 2nd ed., Rowman & Littlefield. 思っていたよりずっと難しい.第1章は総説…
Marcel Detienne [1967] (2006) Les maîtres de vérité dans la Grèce archaïque. Librairie Générale Française. I. Vérité et société. 51-8.
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Michael Wedin (1988) Mind and Imagination in Aristotle, Yale University Press. Chap.1. Aristotle on the science of the soul. 1-22. DA の魂概念の一般的な特徴づけ.おおむね Putnam-Nussbaum ラインの機能主義的解釈だが,留保も加えられている (§3…