構造概念による形而上学的問いの特徴づけ Sider (2011) Writing the Book of the World, Ch.1

Theodore Sider (2011) Writing the Book of the World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.1. Structure. 1-8.

同名異義性の哲学的意義 Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity, Ch.2

Christopher Shields (1999) Order in Multiplicity: Homonymy in the Philosophy of Aristotle. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Chap.2. The Promises and Problems of Homonymy. 43-74. 三年越しに再開.本章も常識的な話の整理.メモするうえで以下の…

「隠喩的意味」は存在しない デイヴィドソン (1991)「隠喩の意味するもの」

ドナルド・デイヴィドソン (1991)「隠喩の意味するもの」『真理と解釈』野本和幸・植木哲也・金子洋之・高橋要訳,勁草書房,262-296ページ. 原論文 1978 年,原書は 1984 年刊行.

フレーゲにおける意義と文脈原理 Dummett (1981) FPL, Ch.1

Michael Dummett (1981) Frege: Philosophy of Language, 2nd ed., Harvard University Press. Chap.1, Sense and Tone, 1-7.

言語の理論における「理想化」の意義 Cappelen and Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.12

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.12. Thoughts on Ideal vs Non-Ideal Theories of Language. 196-210.

アリストテレスにおける個物と普遍の認識の問題 Mansion (1976) Le jugement d'existence chez Aristote, Livre I, Ch.1

Suzanne Mansion (1976) Le jugement d'existence chez Aristote, 2e éd., Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie. Livre I. La conception aristotélicienne de la science. Chapitre premier. L'idée de la science chez Platon et Aristote. 7…

同意 Cappelen and Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.11

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.11. The Speech Act of Consent. 181-195.



抑圧と封殺 Cappelen and Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.10

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.10. Linguistic Oppressing and Linguistic Silencing. 160-180.

神論の非論証的・問答法的性格 Berti (1963) "Dimostrazione e metafisica in Aristotele"

Enrico Berti (1963/2012) "Dimostrazione e metafisica in Aristotele" in E. Berti (2012) Studi Aristotelici, Morcelliana, 51-56. 積んでいた論文集を少しずつ消化する.

ばらばらの聞き手と話し手.ウェブ上の言語行為 Cappelen and Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.9

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.9. Non-Ideal Speech Acts. 144-159.


池澤夏樹 (1990)『夏の朝の成層圏』中公文庫. 著者の小説を読むのは『スティル・ライフ』『マシアス・ギリの失脚』につづいて三作目だと思う.南洋の無人島に漂着した主人公が,孤独で素朴な生活を経て,文明的生活とふたたび邂逅するまでを瑞々しい筆致で…

総称文 Cappelen and Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.8

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.8. Generics and Defective Reasoning. 126-143.

語彙効果 Cappelen and Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.7

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.7. Lexical Effects. 111-125.

罵倒語・侮蔑語・婉曲語・犬笛 Cappelen and Dever (2019) Ch.6

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.6. Slurs and Pejoratives. 90-110.

概念工学とその限界 Cappelen and Dever (2019), Ch.5

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.5. Conceptual Engineering. 73-89.

でたらめ Cappelen and Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.4

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.4. Bullshitting and Deep Bullshitting. 52-72.

虚偽の分類と真理性の意義 Cappelen and Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.3

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.3. Messing with the truth. 35-51.



最も一般的な叙実的心的状態としての知識.信念との関係 Williamson (2000) KIL, Ch.1 #2

Timothy Williamson (2000) Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford University Press. Chap.1. A State of Mind. 21-48. [here 33-48.]

心的状態としての知識.知識概念の分析不可能性 Williamson (2000) KIL, Ch.1 #1

Timothy Williamson (2000) Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford University Press. Chap.1. A State of Mind. 21-48. [here 21-33.]

知識第一主義とその応用 Williamson (2000) KIL, Introduction #1

Timothy Williamson (2000) Knowledge and its Limits, Oxford University Press. Introduction. 1-20. [here 1-11.]

理想化からの逸脱: 推意・前提・種々のスコア Cappelen & Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.2

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.2. Three forms of non-ideal language. 13-34.

会話の理想化 Cappelen and Dever (2019) Bad Language, Ch.1

Herman Cappelen and Joch Dever (2019) Bad Language, OUP. Chap.1. Idealized Communication. 1-12.



Γίγνεσθαι の文法 Burnyeat (2003) "Apology 30b2-4"

Myles Burnyeat (2003) "Apology 30b2-4: Socrates, Money, and the Grammar of ΓΙΓΝΕΣΘΑΙ" Journal of Hellenic Studies 123, 1-25.

名詞繋辞 Kahn (1973) The Verb 'Be' in Ancient Greek, Ch.4 #2

Charles H. Kahn (1973/2003) The Verb 'Be' in Ancient Greek. D. Reidel. Chap.4. Description of the copula uses. 85-183. [here 102-118.]

形容詞的繫辞 Kahn (1973) The Verb 'Be' in Ancient Greek, Ch.4 #1

Charles H. Kahn (1973/2003) The Verb 'Be' in Ancient Greek. D. Reidel. Chap.4. Description of the copula uses. 85-183. [here 85-102.]

人工物の本質 Wiggins (2001) SSR, 4.11-12

David Wiggins (2001) Sameness and Substance Renewed, Cambridge University Press. Chap.4. Individuative essentialism. §11-12 (pp.133-138).


11月 Francesco Fronterotta (ed.) La scienza e le cause a partire dalla metafisica di Aristotele 457p. ISBN:9788870885828 John McDowell Having the World in View 304p. ISBN:9780674725805 スティーブ・アウディ『圏論 原著第2版』 347p. ISBN:9784…