オルガノンにおける関係性の特徴づけ Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Ch.5

  • Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press.
    • Chap.5. Relativity in Categories 7, Topics, and Sophistical Refutations. 90-117.

魂の区分における構成的関係性の役割 Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Ch.4

  • Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press.
    • Ch.4. Relativity and partition in Republic. 71-89.

初出は Duncombe (2015) OSAP 48, 37-60.


『パルメニデス』のイデア論批判における構成的関係性の役割 Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Ch.3

  • Matthew Duncombe (2020) Ancient Relativity, Oxford University Press.
    • Ch.3. Relativity and separation in the theory of Forms. 49-70.

元論文は Duncombe (2013) OSAP 45, 43-62.
